Hi I’m kelvin I wanna tell you about my true-life story that cause the live of both of my friend.

Ever since I was a kid  I  knew everything about horror stuff and I don’t usually get scared so I and my friend decided to explore a haunted house it was said that before I was born a man in his mid-30 always took little kids in there and cut up their body part and eat them but one day cop went to explore that place as soon as the cop entered the house aloud scream came from there  and none of the cop came ever came out of there and they also tried to demolish the building  but a man went  close to the house he had a heart attack and dies instantly so  no one went close to that place but today we decide to go to that place.

On getting to the house everything was normal then we water started to drop from the room we looked up cause it was really dark we could not see anything and James touch just went out but I was going to come on soon so we went on to explore the room nothing looked paranormal there when we were about to leave zack ran off somewhere saying he was coming so we waited for him we waited for about 20 min without him showing up we were about to[D1]  leave cause it was almost 2:00 but on getting to the door zack showed up out of nowhere saying we had to explore this last room so  we all agreed when we got to the room it was pitch black and some weird noise was coming from in there well I was a little scared cause it sounded like something was whispering in there and water kept on dropping on us like how old is this out that the roof was licking well finally James touch light finally came on he pointed it up and my heart dropped on the roof was over 50  children head and what kept dropping on up was blood suddenly I started to feel like someone was breath close to me when I turned  around saw a really old mad half of his face was gone and he held  a knife and his right arm was gone he held up the knife and stabbed James straight one his eye his eye ball came out immediately then that old guy picked up James eyes and putted it into his mouth and smiled from ear to ear we all ran out of there but James did not go far cause he dropped cause he lost a lot of blood when I and zack was almost to the door we started to little kids voice it sounded like they were in pain then we saw a little girl sitting on the side she was in so much pain but we just ignored the girl and kept on running but it was like the door kept on moving cause we never got to the door  I just jumped out off the window when zack was about to jump a huge hand went true him and pulled out his heart and he died immediately I ran out of there and till this day I never passed even where that house was and I never told any on what happened that day I just wanted to keep it to myself and poster are still up from missing boy’s I just wish I didn’t go to that house.



                                                                                                          The end

                                                                             Z.B  Story 


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