Questions to ask your partner in a relationship

 Questions to ask in relationship 

1) do I make you happy or are you just accepting me the way I am

2) am I ever a plan of your life or am I just a passenger

3) would losing me hurt you

4) if you need help do you count me as someone you can turn to

5) what’s that one thing you’d change about our relationship

6) what makes you feel insecure

7) what’s one of your fav memory of us

8) what are things I do that makes you angry

9) do u love me as much as you did when we first dated

10) if you could change anything about our relationship what would that be

11) what can I do to become a better part?

12) what do u like beat about me

13) what would u consider your biggest mistake you’ve made in this relationship

14) what are 3 things I do that can make you feel appreciate

15) what are things I can do to make you feel appreciated

16) what’s one thing I do that gives you butterflies

17) when did you fall In love with me

18)what’s something you want me to ask more about

19) what’s the deepest dream for us as a couple

20) what makes me different from all the girls you’ve dated

21) what are the red flags you noticed about me from the past

22) what’s something you’ve always wanted to tell me but you haven’t

23) what’s the best was to support you when you upset or stressed out

24). How can I show you I love you

25) do you feel you can tell me anything

26) mention one thing we did in the part you really miss

27)what assumptions did you make about me that turned out wrong

28) what was the first thing you noticed about me 

29)what’s the most romantic thing that has happened in our relationship that you’ll never forget

  1. would u let anyone ever hurt me

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